Nicole Regan

Authors Kristin and Nicole are long-time friends, both originally from Canada, who met over 15 years ago while teaching English to children in South Korea. They have traveled the world together many times over and maintain a friendship that is rooted in fun, inspiration, encouragement, joy, and adventure. As adults, their compassionate and sensitive spirits led them both to service-oriented careers. Kristin obtained a master’s degree in counseling psychology and spent the formative years of her career working in child psychiatry and mental health services. Nicole specialized as a palliative care nurse and spent those same years working in various hospitals and a children’s hospice. Kristin and Nicole recognized that regardless of their ailment, each and every one of their patients demonstrated the same underlying needs: to know their lives had meaning, to find clarity amid confusion, to transcend their own suffering, and to cultivate a sense of faith and hope. Feeling a continual sense of frustration within the limits of traditional healthcare, Kristin and Nicole became inspired to combine their creative and therapeutic gifts in order to tangibly encourage the empowerment and spiritual development of young children.
