Paddy Eger
Paddy Eger entered the world of professional writing in 2000. Her publishing credits include dozens of newspaper and magazine articles, a hundred web and education blog articles, three book awards for her nonfiction book Educating America:101 Strategies for Adult Assistants in K-8 Classrooms and praise for Educating America Desktop Flipbook and workbook.
After she retired from teaching she also discovered her enthusiasm for fiction writing. Paddy says, “Stories come to me like an itch; they refuse to leave until I promise to scratch around for their meaning and write them down.”

Paddy’s writing focus remains YA novels. Her debut novel, 84 Ribbons, won the bronze Moonbeam award and was featured in the spring issue of Foreword Reviews, Fore Sight. Book two in the ballet trilogy, When the Music Stops-Dance On, received two Eric Hoffer, a Feathered Quill, and a Reader's View award. Book three, Letters to Follow-A Dancer's Adventure is now available, completing the ballet-themed trilogy. Reading and travel provide inspiration and story ideas to fill several lifetimes.

Paddy also writes educational books and materials to encourage classroom volunteers, assists in classrooms as a volunteer, and provides volunteer training. Contact Paddy, read book excerpts and find her writing and educational blogs by visiting her website



Joining LitPick for our Six Minutes with an Author Interview is Paddy Eger. This former teacher has used her passion and experience to write fictional stories for teens and educational materials for the adult audience. Her books have won a variety of awards, and her ballet-themed trilogy has been reviewed by a LitPick student reviewer.

***How did you get started writing?

I started writing when I retired from teaching. I'd always loved words, so writing felt like a good hobby. It turned into a passion very quickly.

***Who influenced you?

My author friend Lauraine Snelling offered a week long writing class that I attended. The writing bug bit me, and I've been writing for the last 17 years.

***Do you have a favorite book/subject/character/setting?

I love to read and write stories with characters who grow to meet personal challenges. My characters, to date, are teens stepping into adult lives. I just completed a ballet-themed trilogy based on my interest and years of dancing. My future novels will probably continue to be coming of age stories.

***What advice do you have for someone who wants to be an author?

Write about what interests you. It may require research, but that will broaden your understanding of the world around you, which is invaluable.

Write every day and for as much time as you can set aside. The more we write, the more our skills develop.

Be open to others reading your work. None of us write perfectly, so having others read and make suggestions can help us see what our readers see so we can make adjustments accordingly.

***Where is your favorite place to write?

My learning style dictates that I write at a desk or table when possible. I like to use a computer but am also comfortable using a notebook for times I'm away from home and my usual writing place.

***What else would you like to tell us?

Be open to the world around you. Watch people, animals, rain, and sunrises. Listen to traffic, children playing, friends arguing. Inhale the scents of spring, a food market, gasoline. Touch fabrics, grass, hands and paws. Taste a variety of foods. Then, write down your reactions and any images that float into your mind. Your writing will be richer for your exploration of the world around you.


Paddy, thank you for the great advice about being open to the world around us. We look forward to the release of your next books.




Paddy Eger