Rhonna M. Wilburn

From Amazon.com:
Hello and thanks for visiting...My name is R. M. Wilburn and I am the author of the Buggy Crenshaw Adventures, along with a new series (A Nexus Series Tangent) that begins with a book called Magpie & Dilly.

If you're looking for current news or information about me or my books, please visit my website at www.rmwilburn.com or my illustrated YA blog Ponderous Things at http://ponderous-max.blogspot.com

You're also welcome to find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/buggycrenshaw and Twitter @RMWilburn101.

I currently reside in the Pacific Northwest and when I'm not writing or reading, I like to hike with my dogs (4.5), try to be cool like my cats (2), or just hang out with my pygmy goats (5)...Wait! PYGMY GOATS?!

This biography was provided by the author or their representative.