Deader Still
Deader Still (A Simon Canderous Novel)
Deader Still
Anton Strout
It’s hard to defeat evil on a budget. Just ask Simon Canderous. FROM THE AUTHOR OF DEAD TO ME.View our feature on Anton Strout’s Deader Still.It’s been 737 days since the Department of Extraordinary Affairs’ last vampire incursion, but that streak appears to have ended when a boat full of dead lawyers is found in the Hudson River. Using the power of psychometry—the ability to divine the history of an object by touching it—agent Simon Canderous discovers that the booze cruise was crashed by something that sucked all the blood out of the litigators. Now, his workday may never end—until his life does.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Paranormal

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Simon Canderous begins settling into his new job at the Department of Extraordinary Affairs (DEA), and before he knows it, Simon is thrown into a mystery like no other. As an officer of the Paranormal Police, his first official case is an unforgettable one: a vampire incursion. It has been 737 days since a vampire has even been mentioned in the DEA, and it turns out that on his next case, things might get a little tricky. To add to the trouble, a former friend and criminal, Mina, appears in town and tries to encourage Simon to join in on a painting heist.

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