Desert Fire
Desert Fire
Desert Fire
Nick stared at the mini-CD. It gleamed under the streetlights. Only the dying American pilot could have slipped it into his pocket. . . .After running to the scene of a plane crash in Abu Dhabi, Nick Chevalier stumbles across classified military secrets. And an unknown terrorist will stop at nothing to get them. As Nick investigates the cover-up behind the downed plane, he crosses paths with an agent from a covert espionage agency and makes the leap from high school senior to teen spy. But he realizes too late that he put more than his own life at riskā€”his mother and sister are also in danger. Does he have what it takes to outwit a terrorist who wants him dead and save the two people he loves?

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Mystery

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Desert Fire is about a 17 year old boy named Nick whose goal in life is to be an investigative journalist. His life takes a drastic turn when he, his mom, and sister move to Abu Dhabi to escape his domineering and cheater of a father.Abu Dhabi was the perfect place because it was far away and had the only job opportunity for the mother and sister. The day he arrives in Abu Dhabi, Nick looks out the window and finds himself staring his newest journalism project in the face. A plane was falling out of the sky with a flaming tail.

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