Ollie's Odyssey
Ollie's Odyssey
Ollie's Odyssey
William Joyce, William Joyce
Top Choice
From the creator of The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore and The Guardians of Childhood comes an grand adventure of valor, friendship, and a look into the mysterious world of favorite toys.In the secret realm of toys, there are many mysteries. There is the Code of the Toys, which is as ancient as childhood. There’s also the magic of becoming a child’s favorite, the highest honor in the Toy World. Made by hand by Billy’s mother, Ollie is a special toy, “a toy who will matter.” He becomes Billy’s best friend, confidant, pal, and yes, Billy’s “favorite.” But there are villains in the Toy World, and Zozo, the clown king, is the most feared. He and his toy henchman (the Creeps) have sworn to steal and imprison favorite toys until they forget their children and become forever lost. When Ollie is toynapped, Billy must rescue his beloved favorite from Zozo’s subterranean lair in the old Carnival Place, past the park, through the woods, and into the night. Never has a journey of ten blocks been more epic.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 8 - 12
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Ollie’s Odyssey is a brilliant story about Ollie, stuffed animal, handmade with special care and a boy named Billy. When Billy was born, his mother made Ollie, a unique toy created with love. As Billy begins to grow up, his adoration for Ollie grows. He loves Ollie so much, that he named him his favorite, which is the highest honor in the toy world. But when an evil toy clown kidnaps Ollie out of jealousy, it is up to Billy to save him. Will Billy make it in time to save Ollie? Or will the evil clown get him first?
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Ollie's Odyssey is a very sweet and somewhat “magical” story about everlasting friendship and bravery. Ollie is a toy, but not just any toy. The main character, Billy, thinks of Ollie as his “favorite,” which is the highest honor in the secret toy realm. Not everything in the world of toys is always so jolly, though. There are also mean toys, like Zozo, the clown king and his creeps. When Ollie is toy-napped by Zozo's evil right-hand men, Billy sets out on a journey to hopefully bring his pal back home.

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