LitPick Video Book Trailer

A LitPick Video Book Trailer is called a LitPick Book Brief (LBB). It is approximately a one minute video about your book. A LBB includes attention-grabbing story or plot ideas, comments from our LitPick book reviewer or from a review supplied by you, the recommended reader age level, and other engaging iems designed to attract readers.

Authors can upload these videos to their websites and social media pages to attract the attention of readers and help the book get noticed. We also upload them to your Amazon book page (at Amazon's discretion).


This LitPick Book Brief video trailer is offered for $40.00, but when ordered with a Basic Book Review package, the cost is only $25.00.

Before we begin production, you will receive an email from us so we can learn more about your title and get your input for the video. We send you a draft of the video for your comments and editing before it is posted live on our YouTube channel and elsewhere on the Internet .

Benefits of an LBB trailer include:

  • Posting your video book trailer on our YouTube and social media sites

  • Linking to or embedding this video book trailer on your website, social media pages, or even in email announcements to your fans

These LitPick video book trailers are especially engaging and powerful on your Amazon sales page (see below).  Posting your book trailer on your Amazon sales page is at the discretion of

Please email us to request this very popular LitPick video format.

An Example of a LitPick Book Brief Video Trailer
Placement on

LitPick Book Brief video placement within an customer book review.