Book Reviews by RockinR4
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Zoey Christopher has psychic abilities. She has strange visions of a ferocious fire in the hotel where she and the other cheerleaders on her team have a huge competition. In her efforts to prevent this tragedy, she is forced to spill her secret to three friends: Becca, Mike, and Josh. Can the four prevent the disastrous fire in Zoey's visions? Or will the hotel be burned to the ground? Find out in Get Psyched.

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13-year-old Tony Pandy has always lived in the lap of luxury. Even though he owns a massive estate and has his own pet monkey, he still isn't happy. Being confined to a wheelchair, Tony spends his time flirting with his fantasy girlfriend, starting opinion wars online, or talking to his mom through an intercom. But when Tony's mom hires a new health aid for him, his life is turned upside-down. Then, when a mysterious trust threatens everything, Tony Pandy must ride on an old, broken-down motorcycle to save not only his estate, but also to find out who he really is.

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Alice-Miranda Highton-Smith-Kenninton-Jones (A.K.A. Alice-Miranda) and her two best friends, Millicent Jane McLoughlin-McTavish-McNoughton-McGill (A.K.A. Millie), and Jacinta Headlinton-Bear (A.K.A.Jacinta) are abord the royal yacht, Octavia, for a very special wedding. But then, trouble starts brewing and Alice-Miranda has one of her funny feelings. Wanting to halt the chaos, she begins to dig for answers. Can this daring little girl and her sea-faring friends set this cruse-line wedding back on course? Or will this turn into the worst disaster ever?

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There are so many exciting events occurring in Lady Elizabeth's life and Chatswood Manor, her lovely, elegant home in England, is abuzz with energy for the most important event to come: Beth's twelfth birthday and her inheritance of the Elizabeth Necklace! The necklace has been passed down to each Elizabeth in the family on her twelfth birthday ever since Beth's great-grandmother first wore it. However on the morning Beth's French relatives, The Trufants, are due to arrive, her lady's maid quits to assist her ill mother.

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The adventure begins when young Flora Belle Buckman saves a squirrel, discovers he has super powers, and names him Ulysses (after the vacuum that sucked him up). There's only one problem. Flora's mother hates Ulysses and desires to kill him. Read about this comical adventure to find out what happens in: Flora and Ulysses the Illuminated Adventures.

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Greg's best friend Rowley Jefferson has ditched him and gotten himself a girlfriend. Greg's life has just gone from bad to worse. When Greg finds a magic 8 ball, his life changes for the better -- or at least that's what Greg thinks......  Will his supposed good fortunte continue or will it be hard luck for Greg?