Book Reviews by glitterunicorn9

This review is pending and will be available soon.

Edward the egg loved his family's famous secret recipe for "yummy to the tummy" cheese biscuits! Since he can now cook, he takes a trip to the grocery store to purchase the ingredients. Edward is scared that someone at the grocery store will mistake him for an egg they can cook, so he decides to go there in the early morning when fewer shoppers will be there. Once he gets to the grocery store, he meets an old lady named Sally. He notices that Sally is having trouble reaching the biscuits, so he helps her reach them.

Marvin, Tori, and Noah don't want to be on their 7th-grade class trip to Raven Island Prison. Tori would rather be on the field with her teammates playing soccer, Marvin wants to be at a film festival, and Noah would rather just be at home than in that creepy prison. The three are paired to be buddies for the field trip and slowly start to build a friendship. However, when they sneak away from the rest of the group into the woods, they notice something very strange: ghosts. They know something very creepy is going on and rush back to find their school group.

Riley Callahan has always wanted to turn into a werewolf. Because Riley comes from a family of wolf magic, every kid turns into a wolf on the first full moon of summer between the ages of 9-12. Riley has always been eagerly waiting, but to her disappointment, at 12-years-old she still had not turned despite many of her friends (and her best friend Stacey) having already transitioned. However, since Riley is now 12, she knows she has to transition this year! Nothing can bring her down, even the possibility of transitioning the same year as her 9-year-old younger brother Milo.