Book Reviews by R. Mae
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77 Things You Absolutely Have to do Before You Finish College in an informative, unique, and applicable book. As the title states, the book contains 77 things you will want to do before completing college.

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Hope is dead! Or at least that is what Trent is proclaiming to audiences all over the world. It's nothing personal, but the slogan is his chance for ultimate success and he will do whatever it takes to make that success real. John Jacobs and his group of friends have been called by God to oppose Trent. John and his friends believe that Jesus Christ brought the hope of eternal life and they want to share the message with the world. God works miracles everyday, and he can use anyone to spread the word. 

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Our homeroom went for flu shots, and now we can read minds. We used to be normal, but now we can hear anyone and everyone’s thoughts. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns though, there are some things you do not want to know. But how should we use our new powers? Is it wrong to use it to get a boyfriend, or to cheat on a test?

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Death and the Girl He Loves is the final book in the darklight trilogy. Lorelei McAlister has to make a decision, does she want to face her fate, or try to change it. The final battle is looming, and the only person who can save the world is her.

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Lozen is a Killer of Enemies. She is a hired hand for the Ones, the four rulers who run Haven. Lozen's job is to kill the monsters that lurk outside of Haven's protective wall. The only thing is, Lozen has to do it if she wants the Ones to let her family live. They already killed her Uncle and Father. Lozen has special powers that help her fight the monsters, and her captors.

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Leigh’s Mom is dead, and Leigh is afraid that she is going to come back. And not in a good way. In a scary way that Leigh is terrified of. Strange things start happening in the graveyard, and before long Leigh has to decide if she is willing to give up everything. It doesn’t help that she might be falling for a mysterious boy, and her best friend's brother takes a sudden interest in her.