Please Don't Tell Cooper That Jack is a Rabbit
Please Don't Tell Cooper That Jack is a Rabbit

Cooper the rescue dog makes a daring escape from his yard. When he returns home with his new friend, Jack the rabbit, the fun is just getting started. Cooper's family and friends share in the fun while watching how the big-hearted mutt befriends someone who is completely different. This funny, rhyming “doggerel” will be sure to amuse young animal-loving readers and will inspire conversations about diversity and the meaning of true friendship.

Book Details


  • Picture book

Age Level: 

  • 3 - 5

In another cute and quirky story about Cooper the dog, this picture book gives us a new perspective on making friends despite differences. Cooper the dog is as adventurous as ever, and this time, he spots a potential furry friend. However, this animal does not look like him. In fact, it is a rabbit! Everyone thinks Cooper chases Jack the bunny like a normal dog chasing after a furry animal, but Cooper just wants to be friends.

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