What I Tell Myself About Talent review by book.mad...
Age Range - 5 - 8
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 21
Reviewer's Location - Denver, Colorado, United States
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What I Tell Myself About Talent begins with a young boy searching himself to determine what he is good at or what he describes as talent. The story soon flows into a collection of multiple children searching in the world around them to discover their true callings. Along the way, the kids learn the benefits of hard work in jobs like shoveling snow or mowing grass, and they see the beauty in the world through painting and making music. They also discover through the various vocations in the world that the people around them mold how they see themselves. In the end, the story concludes with an uplifting note of finality that all of the children are talented including the reader.


What I Tell Myself About Talent can be described as an uplifting, inclusive, and exciting journey for young children. The book ties in the benefits of hard work and determination to show readers to be themselves and do what they love. Every young child needs to experience this story to see the vast vocational opportunities in the world and the challenges that can shape them into insightful human beings. The author does a fantastic job of subtly showing readers that their role in others’ lives molds the image of themselves and what readers are called to do in the world. What I Tell Myself About Talent is a five-star story that guides readers to be themselves first and finding their calling second.


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